
Client Sessions

Beach photographers | Mother and Daughter portraits | La Jolla, Ca

I was raised by a single mother so I have the utmost respect for them. I know it’s not easy to juggle motherhood and a career. You have to be everything to everyone, a cook, a bedtime storyteller, a chauffeur, a nurse, and bring home the bacon. I know it’s probably not easy to fit in professional beach portraits as well, but am so happy that Sandy did just that. Having family portraits around your house can boost your child’s self-esteem. Children’s eyes light up when they see printed images of themselves and I can testify that children can use all the self-esteem boosters they can get. Just because you don’t have the traditional roles of family in your household doesn’t mean you’re not deserving of beautiful portraits on the beach with those you love. Please reach out. Time is short. Childhood is even shorter. Happy mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there!!!


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